Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Treatment of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer might be treated by various therapies including surgery, but chemotherapy and radiation treatments are utilized widely to treat the disease whether surgery occur or not.


Chemotherapy engages drug medication which is intended to kill fast growing cells in the body - cancer cells are fast growing and it is this unrestrained development which leads to tumors to grow. Unluckily, the medications which are administered are not capable to make different between cancer cells and other fast growing cells, like the red blood cells and hair. Accordingly, there are side effects involved in receipt of chemotherapy which comprises hair loss and other incapacitating symptoms.

A lot of patients do not like the initiative of getting chemotherapy since they have heard of the side effects typically related with getting the treatment. Management of the side effects has come a long way and in a lot of instances, patients do not experience them to as great an extent as they initially predictable.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

The Detailed Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

A lot of patients find that they get lung cancer either since they present symptoms like persistent coughing and wheezing, at times coughing up blood or pain the chest and stomach. This typically induces further examination of the chest, usually calling for an x-ray (which might also take place as part of a routine health check) and the testing of sputum samples.

At this point more examinations will be called for reliant upon the results.

Detailed Diagnosis

The intention of a chest radiograph or x-ray is to identify enlarged lymph nodes in the chest or the existence of a mass in the lungs. More advanced methods could be employed to give much more detailed information and include the following:
CAT Scan or CT Scan - a CT Scan is a computer assisted examination which gives a cross-sectional image of the body under examination;

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Prevention of Lung Cancer Is Always Better Than Cure

Conditions and life style factors that raise a person’s possibilities of developing an illness are known as risk factors. On the contrary things that prevent disease from developing are named protective factors. Prevention engages rising protective factors and reduces risk factors. There are a variety of risk factors for lung cancer. Smoking is deemed to be a factor that increases to the risk of lung cancer. The risk is also raised for passive smokers who are exposed to tobacco smoke indirectly.

It is likely to prevent lung cancer if it is not hereditary. In case there is history of lung cancer in the family, it might not be likely to completely get rid of chances of developing the disease. However it is likely to decrease possibilities by following an active lifestyle. Regular exercise lesser risks. In addition, possibilities of developing lung cancer might decrease if a person consumes low fat diet that is high in fiber content.

Treatment of cancer is a painful practice for the patient. Treatment ranges from radiotherapy, chemotherapy to surgery. The course of treatment depends upon the stage of disease. At times a mixture of treatment processes might have to be administered at the same time. Cancer in the third and fourth stage qualifies the extent of life span.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Significant Facts on Lung Cancer

In accordance with the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is still one of the most common forms of cancer these days. Even, later than all of the thousands of antismoking campaigns and a huge decline in the figure of smokers, it is expected that there will be more than 215,000 new cases diagnosed this year, and there will be almost 162,000 deaths.

In 1991 (the latest year that I can get statistics for), 27% of Americans were smokers. It compares to 29% in 1987 and 44% in 1964. The reduction is as a consequence of more people stopping the smoking practice, and NOT due to fewer people beginning the smoking habit. It's clear that all of the attempts to prevent individuals from becoming smokers have not been successful.

Cigarette smoking is deemed the number one cause of the illness. There are substances in smoke that lead to harm to lung cells. On account of this, smoking cigarettes, pipes, or cigars does lead to lung cancer, and this is why it is also right that secondhand smoke could lead to lung cancer in nonsmokers. The more frequently a person is exposed to tobacco smoke, the greater the risk of lung cancer.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Primary and Secondary Signs of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a most important killer of men and women across the country. Air pollutants, secondhand smoke, cigarette smoking particularly, and other causative factors give contribution to the disease.

The majority of us consider that the lung cancer is generally common amongst the cigarette smokers and it is right that the vast majority of cases are or were smokers. However, there are non-smokers do suffer lung cancer and smokers who don't suffer it.

Signs of lung cancer are frequently not apparent in the early stages. But it is better to detect lung cancer as possible. The most general early symptom of lung cancer is haemoptysis (coughing up blood). Think about this early symptom a warning sign of a cancer, which might be curable.

If you get that you are coughing up blood, you ought to directly make contact with your doctor, particularly if you are 40 years of age, or older, with a long-term smoking habit.

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